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Small Garden Ideas | Sustainable Living | Up On The Rooftop

Root Pouch Grow Bag Size Guide
Wondering what size Root Pouch bag to suit your growing needs?Whether it's ornamentals or food we have the size that will be perfect for your garden!

How to Choose The Right Sized Root Pouch Bag For Your Plant
A common myth is that plants will grow larger if potted in a larger pot, like a buying a pair of school shoes at the start of the school year...

What makes Root Pouch grow bags different from the rest?
In the confusing world of fabric grow bags, how does one select the brand that will provide the superior growing environment your plants, shrubs and trees should have?

The Science of Ollas
Discover how Ollas rely on the simplicity of natural forces to function, which makes them both simple and ideal for urban gardens.

Make Potting Mix@Home Guide Shopping List
DIY POTTING MIX INGREDIENTS This shoping list is an adjunct to our Make Potting Mix At Home Guide, designed by our friend Anne, The Microgardener. Need to source supplies to...

How can Waterpot Ollas Help You in the Wet and Dry ?
Rain, hail or shine Waterpot Ollas have an amazing way of naturally regulating your garden’s hydration level. If the soil is dry, water will seep out into the surrounding area.