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Small Garden Ideas | Sustainable Living | Up On The Rooftop
The Giving Guide for the Urban Gardener
We have the perfect gifts that keep on giving - either potted up with love and patience and presented as a package set for gardening success or as packs for...
How To Create The Perfect Small Garden
Adding greenery to your urban dwelling can be done in even the smallest spaces like a balcony, patio or terrace. Using the right pots and tools you can create a low...
Grow Tomatoes in Your Small Space
Tomatoes are one of the most satisfying and popular of all Summer fruiting plants to grow and are easy and manageable in grow bags and containers in small spaces.
My 5 Best Tips For Your Spring Potted Garden
As soon as the weather warms up, we're all itching to jump into the garden and start potting and planting! So many delicious Summer veg to prepare for, and flowers...
Grow Potatoes in Grow Bags in Your Small Space
If you haven't experienced the almost child-like joy of digging for potato treasure because you live in a small space or apartment, then growing taters in containers is for you I’ll...
Grow Roses in grow bags & containers
If you’re considering growing roses of your own but lack the necessary garden space, you’ll be pleased to know that many varieties can be grown in our Root Pouch grow...
Grow Broccoli in Grow Bags & Pots
Are you interested in growing fresh, nutritious broccoli right on your balcony or small space? In our latest blog post, we provide you with valuable insights on how to successfully...
Small Space Composting
There are lots of good reasons to make compost. Save money, save resources, improve your soil and reduce your impact on the environment. Regardless of your reasons, composting is a...