Who is Root Pouch?


When you buy your Root Pouch bag from us, you can be assured that you are purchasing a product with an outstanding international reputation for innovation, quality and a heart for the environment.

Each pallet of Root Pouch grow bags diverts an average of 10,200 plastic water bottles from landfills and the ocean, eliminating the need to create new black plastic pots from fossil fuels! Not one drop of new fossil fuel is used to manufacture these bags. In 2020 alone, 1,200 tons of recycled plastic water bottles were used (certified by the Global Recycle Standard). This quantity has increased over subsequent years!

The bags have been designed by the family-owned Root Pouch company in Hillsboro, Oregon, USA, and manufactured in their partnered company in China. Root Pouch manufactures their own fabrics; hence the quality and ingredients are strictly controlled.  

Listen to the philosophy of Jim Averna, inventor and founder of the business, as he describes how he decided the horticultural world desperately needed a sustainable and ecological alternative to plastic pots.

Please refer to more information found on our FAQs page. 

Find out why our Root Pouch grow bags are different from the rest HERE